Key Stage 3 is about building strong foundations. Our Big Idea programme focuses on boosting literacy and numeracy skills and developing confidence in applying these skills. The Student Voice programme enables students to contribute to school life whilst preparing them for bigger arenas. Solid foundations ensuring future success.
Please select one of the options above or scroll down to find out more:
The Big Idea
Measurable progress to catch up and keep up
May I take this opportunity to thank you for delivering The Big Idea this year at The Deanes. The impact data taken from both assessments clearly demonstrates remarkable progress over the course of the intervention. It was clear from the outset our students got a real sense of enjoyment from the sessions; this is particularly impressive as Maths is a subject these Year 7 students struggle to engage with in their normal lessons. We look forward to working with you again next year.”
Deputy Principal, Secondary School, Essex

The Big Idea is for students identified as in need of additional intervention at Key Stage 3 in Literacy and Numeracy. Working with small groups of up to twelve students, we will deliver a bespoke programme built around intervention techniques that the Education Endowment Foundation and the Sutton Trust have identified as ‘high impact’ – collaborative learning, detailed feedback and meta-cognitive and self-regulation strategies.
The Big Idea raises attainment levels, builds confidence and equips students with the skills and knowledge to catch-up ahead of the transition into Key Stage 4.

By the end of the Big Idea programme, your students will have:
- improved their current working level in numeracy or literacy
- increased their classroom-confidence through a combination of co-operative and individual learning and peer-to-peer support
- made clear, measurable progress to raise their motivation and facilitate improvement across the curriculum.
Your Big Idea intervention includes initial baseline testing and a final assessment to measure your students’ progress. Our team will then create a bespoke, Ofsted-ready report so your Senior Leadership Team can demonstrate exactly how they are complying with Ofsted’s framework and investing astutely in under-achievers at Key Stage 3.
Your comprehensive analysis will breakdown how your students have improved and in what areas, including individual commentaries and recommendations for further improvement. It is essential for us that you know exactly how much of an impact your investment has made.

We have developed a range of core modules in Literacy and Numeracy to raise attainment at Key Stage 3. Each module is delivered as a half-day workshop for up to twelve students and schools must book a minimum of six modules in either Literacy or Numeracy to qualify for diagnostic testing and an Ofsted-ready report.
Our specialist team are always happy to build a programme for you, but we encourage your Curriculum Leaders to choose which modules would be most effective for your students.

Beyond the Curriculum
Stretch and challenge!
Our Beyond the Curriculum portfolio is especially designed for those schools who want to offer their students something extra at Key Stage 3. We have two separate programmes available: the AQA Project Qualification (Foundation or Higher) and a City and Guilds Maths programme.
Please talk to us about running other GCSE Programmes as extra-curricular for Key Stage 3.
A one or two year programme, enabling your students to achieve a formal AQA qualification by completing an independent learning project, based on a subject of their choosing.
The aim of the programme is for KS3 students to generate ideas about the huge possibilities the future holds, through the exploration of a range of vocational and intellectual disciplines. We want individuals to identify their own strengths, passions and interests, and develop a range of key skills, such as:
- Self-management
- Independent and collaborative working
- Research
- Critical thinking
- Presenting and communicating
- Reflective practice.
In order to complete the programme and achieve the AQA Level 1 Foundation or Level 2 Higher Project qualification, students are required to take personal responsibility for their own learning.
The programme consists of a series of extra-curricular workshops, delivered over the course of an academic year, to provide a clear structure and ongoing support for students as they independently research, create and reflect on the project of their choosing. Previous project titles have included:
- The Socio-economic issues raised by the sinking of the Titanic: How far does Cameron’s film provide its audience with an accurate picture?
- Is talent and dedication enough to make it as a British Premier League footballer?
- How is feminism viewed today? History and analysis.
- Natural Hierarchies: Do animals exist solely for our use?
Each school is assigned a personal facilitator with whom your students will build a firm relationship, to ensure they feel secure asking for help and guidance. Everything is planned by us and all resources are provided. We even cover all the administrative requirements, such as registers, timetables, letters to parents – and constant communication via phone/email with students.
The AQA Project Qualification aims to foster an intellectual curiosity to enhance learning across the curriculum, and lay the foundation for success at GCSE and beyond.

Trips and exhibitions are optional. In the past, we have taken groups of students to:
- The Natural History Museum
- The Science Museum
- The British Museum
- A Russell Group University
- Royal Opera House
- Royal Courts of Justice
- Dickens’ World, Chatham
Our students were eager to sign up to the programme following an initial presentation from Twenty Twenty Learning, and haven’t looked back. We’ve been delighted with how the group have applied themselves and their first-year results reflected this; every student achieved A* – B in their Level 1 Foundation Project and we are fully confident in their upcoming results for the Level 2 Higher Project. We have been very impressed overall with how the programme is structured and has been delivered – it has provided the challenge our most able students needed.” Ms A Mack-Poole, More Able and Talented Lead, Bexleyheath Academy, Bexleyheath
Exciting new programmes coming soon.
Student Voice Portfolio
Three modules designed to promote Student Voice in your school
Student Voice is seen by Ofsted as an integral part of the school leadership process. It is therefore becoming increasingly important that school councils are both innovative and capable of thinking independently.
Through a range of practical and fun activites, Twenty Twenty Learning can offer you a series of workshops that equip your students with the necessary skills to work effectively as a group, set up research projects, acquire learning observation skills, use their creative and analytical skills to design a future school and improve their communication and presentation skills.
Our porfolio currently includes three different modules, all of which can be booked individually or as a complete package. The modules are:
- Module 1: Renergising your school council
- Module 2: Setting up student research groups
- Module 3: Communication and presentation skills

The students found the day challenging, enjoyable and very relevant to their roles within student voice. At the end of the day they left the workshop feeling more confident and ready to deliver presentations effectively. A fantastic day!” Assistant Headteacher, Secondary School, Buckinghamshire.

Summer Schools
Make this summer count
We ran our very first summer school back in 2005, and have worked extremely hard to improve and adapt our programmes to meet the changing demands of secondary education for transitional students every year since.
We are completely flexible with the duration of our summer school programmes – we plan every element around your needs to guarantee we’re making a genuine, lasting impact.
Choose your summer school to meet your students’ needs:
- transition points – students moving from primary to secondary, Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4, Key Stage 4 to 5
- skills boost programmes – catch-up or masterclasses
- specialist programmes – for example, our Crime Scene Investigation.
The transition from primary to secondary school is a huge step in every student’s life. They move into a new environment, make new friends and explore the dynamic range of subjects secondary school has to offer.
The experience shouldn’t be daunting but for some students the level of expectation becomes a bit too much. We want to work with you to prepare your students – educating them, enthusing them and ensuring they are ready to embark on this new challenge. Our programmes focus on improving students’ academic skills through a variety of fully interactive, fun, visual and auditory skills-based learning activities.
Core Subject booster programmes and stretch and challenge programmes for the most able:
- Diagnostic assessments and detailed feedback at the beginning and end of each programme to support your students’ development throughout the week/fortnight
- Enhancing literacy and numeracy skills through fully interactive, visual and auditory skills-based learning activities
- Leading edge, stimulating teaching and learning resources, including full-colour workshop booklets
- Exciting, energising enrichment activities including sports, music, and art projects and full/half day excursions to theatres, museums, or higher education institutions
- Further opportunities to provide teaching support and resources to maintain advanced standards of learning and development
Downham Market Academy – Heroes and Villains

Twenty Twenty Learning worked in partnership with Downham Market Academy to provide a unique Heroes and Villains themed summer school to a select group of Key Stage 3 students, over a two-week period.
The aim of the summer school was to develop the students’ literacy and numeracy skills through a broad range of engaging and interactive learning activities, all centred around the Heroes and Villains theme.
During the fortnight, students created their own hero/villain name and identity, produced life-size character cut-outs, used iPads to produce a blockbuster hero or villain movie-trailer and engaged in a fiercely contested hero vs. villain superiority debate!
Thanks for everything, especially Helen because she pushed me and encouraged me. I have really enjoyed my time here.”
Beauchamps High School – Crime Scene Investigation

Over the course of the week-long programme Beauchamps’ students were transformed into budding forensic scientists: analysing crime scenes, collecting evidence, taking fingerprints and solving mysteries, all the while improving their communication and memory skills.
The final day of the summer school saw students taking part in a murder mystery theatre. Teams had to identify which cast member of a theatre group had poisoned and murdered one of the ensemble, and for what motive. The day concluded with a CSI graduation ceremony, whereby students were able to present their work to both parents and peers.
I have really enjoyed this week as it has been both interesting and fun. I had fun solving crimes with my friends and getting an extra week to spend with them. It was very exciting and I would definitely recommend this to anyone interested.”
I would like to say thank you to all the 20-20 learning team for teaching and helping me. The whole experience was amazing and probably a once in a life time opportunity but I would like to do it again!”