All about attainment! From 5-day intensive programmes for the core subjects to one day exam preparation workshops for (almost) every GCSE subject, we will work with you and your students to achieve their potential.
Our design team works with each exam specification to create workshops focusing on specific topics and targets grades to ensure the very best learning experiences for your students.
Please select one of the options above or scroll down to find out more:
Personalised GCSE workshops
Raising attainment
We have enjoyed an excellent partnership with TwentyTwenty Learning for several years now. The workshops they offer are an integral part of our booster programme, not just for students who need a final ‘push’ before the exam, but also for those students who are excelling in a subject and could reach the very highest marks. Twenty Twenty Learning listen carefully to our students, work hard to get to know them quickly and respond to their needs. We cannot recommend them highly enough.” Emma Webb, Assistant Principal (Progress and Achievement), Hellesdon High School
We are pleased to be able to offer you a range of online learning products which will contribute to your students’ skills, knowledge and overall attainment in GCSE core subjects.
This initial range of online ‘virtual’ lesson programmes accommodates groups of up to 15 students and can be used for topic coverage, catch-up and review/revise purposes. We have limited these programmes to 15 students as there is extensive evidence supporting the impact of high-quality, small group tuition (see the Education Endowment Foundation, Covid-19 Support for Schools).
Each programme includes: 4 x 1hr ‘live’ lessons, a course booklet delivered to the home addresses of your students and a register of attendees sent to you after each workshop.
The programmes can be delivered during school hours, from 4.30-6.30pm in the evenings, on Saturdays or in holidays.
Programmes are targeted at students aiming for Level 4-5 or students aiming for 5-6 in English, Maths and Science. Please specify target grades when booking.
We will be adding to these programmes in response to your requests, please email or use the chat icon to discuss ideas for further online programmes in subjects across the curriculum.
During the difficult times of Covid-19, Twenty Twenty Learning has been extremely important in allowing us to continue to engage with students across our region via online learning programmes. They have been able to successfully adapt a number of student workshops to maintain their engagement from home through online learning; providing fully interactive workshops delivered by experienced and engaging facilitators and fantastic hardcopy materials to support students with their learning.” Emily Flores, Project Leader, Solent University
Our GCSE workshops are always high impact and designed for your student group (up to 20 students):
- Specific exam board and specification
- Tiered Maths and Science
- Students’ current working level and target grades
- Specific focus in terms of subject content.
Workshops are 5-contact hours, built around your school day. We supply everything needed from course booklets to pens and calculators.
By combining your teachers’ knowledge of their students and our experience and expertise, we design and deliver a bespoke GCSE workshop specifically for you.
Talk to us now, click on the chat icon, phone 01279 877955 or email
Our GCSE workshops are not like normal lessons – this is key to our success in raising attainment. We recognise that spending five hours with twenty students has very different demands, especially if it is a subject they struggle with.
Our workshops are always incredibly high energy – activities are short, stimulating and interactive to ensure students remain engaged and focused. Our passionate Learning Facilitators are specialists in motivation – we will build your students’ confidence and inspire them to reach their full potential in the summer exams.
Each student receives a personalised, full colour booklet, filled with interesting, varied exercises to work through on the day, with extension tasks for further practice and review.
Our Learning Facilitators will always arrive an hour early to set up the room, and all the resources needed for your workshop are supplied. Teaching strategies are varied, outcome-focused and recognise your students will have a multitude of learning needs. Our consultants will be more than happy to have teachers or members of the Learning Support team in with them (some schools actively use the student workshops as a CPD opportunity).
Sometimes your students need a different face, a different perspective, a different way of working. Our workshops can provide all this and more.

Project 5:
A five-day booster for your GCSE students
(English, Maths or Science)
Project 5 is for students in Years 10 and 11, identified as most likely to benefit from intensive, targeted intervention (maximum 15 students in a group). Following base-line testing, invigilated by Twenty Twenty Learning, your 5 full-day workshop programme will build your students’ skills, knowledge and confidence.
We start by establishing an adult working environment: expectations are high, groundrules promote respect and students are delegates. Students are encouraged to take risks, question and challenge, and understand that making mistakes is a vital part of being successful.
Schools we work with tell us that one of their greatest challenges is to get disaffected students to believe that they can achieve a higher grade. The supportive methods used by our highly experienced consultants will ensure that your students are noticeably more confident at the end of the programme. Through intense skill and knowledge development, stringent gap analysis and a personal coaching style, each of the five steps is a step closer to the realisation that each student can fulfil their potential.
How does it work?
Each programme is broken down into five separate stages:
Stage 1: consultation
We will talk to you about your student group: their specific targets and the topics you feel are most important for their development. We will agree dates for the programme and an initial date for one of our facilitators to come in to invigilate the base-line testing. We will provide you with a flyer and template email/letter to send to parents/carers.
Stage 2: baseline testing
This will take place at your school. The normal timescale is between 1hr30 mins (Maths and Science) and 1hr 45 mins (English). Subject to the start date of the programme, we will aim to send you the results of this testing prior to commencement.
Stage 3: 5-day programme
The programme will usually take place across a single week (but please talk to us, if you would like to arrange it differently) and follow normal school times. Activities and tasks will be interesting, engaging and focused on moving students to their target grades.
Stage 4: end point assessment
On the final day of the programme, students will sit another test under exam conditions. These results will be sent to you within 14 days of the completion of the programme (see Stage 5 below).
Stage 5: Progress report
You will receive a comprehensive report detailing how your students have progressed and with further recommendations for future development.
We will continue to support your students after the course – they will be able to contact their consultant to discuss any aspects of exam preparation.
Schools we work with tell us that one of their greatest challenges is to get disaffected students to believe they can achieve a higher grade. The supportive methods used by our highly experienced Learning Facilitators will ensure that your students are noticeably more confident at the end of each day. Through intense skill and knowledge development, stringent gap analysis and a personal coaching style, each of the full day workshops are a step closer to the realisation that each student can fulfil their potential in the GCSE exam.
We asked students what was the most useful thing about the week, they said:
- Learning different sentence types and how to structure our answers. I also like working in a small group
- Helen really helped me improve my vocabulary, she made things fun and gave clear examples
- Everything was useful. Thank you for this experience, you helped me much and I have improved my grade in English.
Project 5, English, All Saints Academy, Bedford
- The booklets and the practice tests before and after
- Annabel was amazing at explaining the work ahead
- It was helpful as the booklets explained how to do everything and if it was still hard to understand Annabel was very easy to talk to and was really good at explaining things. I have never understood such a hard exam so well.
Project 5, Maths, All Saints Academy, Bedford
Core Subject Carousel
GCSE success with our Core Subject Carousel
An immensely practical day of GCSE English, Maths and Science revision, split into three ninety minute sessions. Designed to raise attainment and boost exam confidence, each session will be planned around specific topics chosen by your Heads of Department for maximum impact. We will provide three outstanding learning facilitators to deliver intensive, engaging workshops, each for up to 20 students.
- 3 x 90 minute revision sessions in English, Maths and Science
- Exceptional teaching from our team of dedicated education consultants
- Stimulating, interactive presentations and leading-edge practical resources
- Personalised, full-colour work booklets filled with revision exercises and tips
- Unlimited support via email, phone or social media right up until the exam period

The content of our workshops can be determined by each individual school we work in partnership with.
Schools can select up to three revision topics for our consultants to cover in each subject, allowing you to identify challenging areas most in need of extra intervention. We know our workshops make a real difference to results.
We asked students what they found most useful about the carousel, they said:
- English the way it was organised and Helen, Maths learning key topics we struggle in, Science going over formula
- For Science it made me understand units and momentum as well. For Maths similar shapes are more clearer and for English it helped me to understand how to structure writing
- In every subject it was concentrated and enjoyable
- Being able to take the booklet home for revision
- Science – calculations. Maths – graphs. English – writing
Students, Oak Academy, Bournemouth
- Good powerpoints, well-prepared staff and well-equipped with lesson resources
- Teaching was very good and clear
- All the subjects were taught well and helped me and motivated me to revise
- Going over essential topics in all subjects. Science was the most helpful
Students, Bishop Ramsey School, Middlesex.

We can deliver our Core Subject Subject Carousel during term time, holidays or on Saturdays, subject to availability.
Our consultants will be more than happy to have teachers or members of the Learning Support team in with them (some schools actively use the student workshops as a CPD opportunity).

Resit-Ready workshops
Making the grade with our Resit-Ready Workshops
Our resit workshops cover all the essential skills needed to succeed at GCSE. We can provide one-day workshops for students that may just need a little extra help in crossing the line, or intensive three-day interventions for those really struggling to make the grade.
We know from experience that resits, for students and staff alike, can be stressful. Students often feel demoralised and worried about the extra workload, and your teachers face additional pressure if their focus is drawn away from exam-preparation for their new Year 11 cohort.
If you are concerned about your staff having to invest additional time and resources into preparing students for resits, let us ease the burden. Our specialist team of educational consultants have the knowledge and expertise to plan workshops guaranteed to raise your students’ attainment to the GCSE grade they need.
Our GCSE workshops are not like normal lessons – this is key to our success in raising attainment. We recognise that spending a full-day with twenty students has very different demands, especially if it is subject they find particularly challenging.
Our workshops are always incredibly high-energy – activities are short, stimulating and interactive to ensure students remain engaged and focused. Our effective Learning Facilitators are specialists in motivation – we will build your students’ confidence and equip them with the skills and techniques required to achieve a grade 4 or above in their GCSE resit examination.
Your full-day English or Maths workshop will last approximately five hours, for up to 20 students, and is always planned around your normal school timetable.
Your workshop will be active, engaging and tailored to meet your students’ needs. We fully understand that you’re not just investing in us, but in your students, and it’s crucial they are able to demonstrate a clear improvement in their knowledge and ability at the end of the day.
Your students will each receive a personalised, full-colour resource booklet, filled with leading-edge activities and exercises. Everything needed for the workshop is supplied; we don’t want anything to interrupt your students’ learning.

Your three-day English or Maths intervention will tackle all the core topics required for GCSE success. We want to improve your students’ knowledge, boost their confidence, and motivate them ahead of the exam.
Your intensive programme will be tailored to your exam board, specification and tier, ensuring your students will know exactly what to expect in their resit.
Your teachers and Heads of Department will be informed of the students’ progress, and provided with the results of end-of-topic tests. Our ethos is to add real, lasting value for each student who participates in one of our programmes. However, it’s equally important for us that you feel the benefit of our partnership, are happy with your investment and confident of improvement in your results.
Your students will have the opportunity to shape the course. We know that to be completely resit-ready, students need to feel confident tackling the topics that most challenged them in the summer exams. We encourage input from individuals within the intervention, to ensure we’re covering the areas they’re most concerned about. We also offer unlimited support via email or social media to address any queries your students might have, to give them the best possible chance of improving their grade.

Study Skills for GCSE
Building the framework for GCSE success…
GCSEs are tough. You know it, we know it, and your KS4 students will soon know it. There’s more pressure than ever to succeed – are they ready?
A fresh look at revision skills will give your students the impetus they need to get started on their exam preparation journey now. Knowing how to revise will increase their confidence, enthusiasm and directly impact on their results.
Our study skills workshop can be tailored to students in Years 9, 10 or 11. We want to equip them with a variety of skills to help them succeed at GCSE level – we will teach them how to approach their GCSEs holistically, with their very own independent learning ‘toolkit’.
Our aims are simple: to demonstrate the difference between Key Stage 3 and 4; to equip your students with the skills they need to carry out effective independent learning; and to prepare them in the best possible way for the GCSE programme ahead.
Our specialist team are able to work with individual classes or entire year groups. Each student receives a colour resource booklet filled with activities, exercises and top tips to work through on the day and keep for revision or further independent study. Our Study Skills workshops work best if students are seated in a cafe or cabaret style, subject to space/venue availability.

Annabel’s personal tips really helped because it demonstrated that creativity really can help. I found the SWOT chart very helpful, as seeing my strengths and weaknesses written down helped to enforce them.” Year 10 Student, Southfields School, Kettering